Saturday, July 24, 2010

How We Made Shelves

Today I heard from an old artsy fartsy friend, who is currently the cutest pregnant woman I've ever seen! She wanted to know about how the shelves were made. So - here is what I told her, in case you were wondering too.

"They were super easy. Started from scratch. We bought 5 2"x12"x8' boards. I think about 5 1"x12"x8' boards for the top, bottom and intersecting pieces. We also bought 4 little L-brackets per shelf from the decking section of Home Depot, super cheap and very industrial (right up our a...lley). We just marked off where we thought a shelf would look cool and put it there, no rhyme or reason. Then we trimmed the top and bottom with the same trim we used in the rest of the room. Paint by the way came from Wal-mart, their house brand 'ColorPlace' is super cheap and works wonders for any purpose. Oh - and you'll need some giant bolts (technical term) to anchor those bad boys to the floor. If I forgot something let me know!"

Smarty Pants

Ben built these awesome shelves floor to ceiling. We show things off on both sides, because you see the back as you walk up the stairs to our loft.

Protector Birdy

For my birthday (earlier in July) my momma came down to surprise me. She brought along some pretty pretty flowers and gift cards. One just so happened to be to Pottery Barn. So, in a valiant attempt to use all of my gift cards to create a "free date night," I gathered up all of the gift cards that would get us some shopping, dinner, movie and ice cream. Foul on my part, I forgot the Pottery Barn card!!! Of course I didn't notice until AFTER we had fallen in love with this little guy. He was on SALE to boot! He's fabulous. He protects my giant book about Gauguin. Love him please.

Who knows what we'll return with when I actually remember to take the gift card with me next time!

Friday, July 9, 2010

What the Heck!

I know - I know. I haven't posted in a while. This may have you wondering, "What the heck!"

Never fear, we are here. Just busy, busy, busy.

I will write today and post pretty pictures of what's been going on.

So get ready for:
Backyard Makeovers
Dining Room Completion (sort of)
The Finished Bookshelf
Garage Rejuvenations

4 in 52